⚡ jado Starter Theme v3.5 for WordPress

The jado starter theme for WordPress is running on this website.

It is one of the fastest & leanest WordPress starter templates and is intended as a code base for individual template development.

The theme is fully responsive and can also be easily capped in the design (maximum content width, maximum font sizes from a certain viewport width). Of course, it is also W3C-validated and full accessible.

Further features that can be easily de-/activated via the settings page:

  • Admin bar in frontend is not output
  • Emojies are disabled
  • Comment function deactivatable
  • Show post/page thumbnails also in the backend
  • Embeds can be disabled
  • Feeds are disabled
  • SVG upload can be enabled
  • Image compression adjustable (XXX instead of 82 – JPG quality)
  • Gutenberg complete width of a content type
  • jQuery can be enabled
  • Maintenance mode
  • And much more!

Features Page:

 Jado Starter Theme Settings
jado Starter Theme Settings version 3.5